Monday, March 31, 2014

Why Do I Need a Sign for my Business? | Signarama Murrieta

"Why should I have a sign?" is a question often asked by business owners. The answer will vary depending on your business type and format. In a highly impulse oriented business, good signage can be the difference between the success and failure of the business. The profile of your trade area also impacts your signage needs.

Good signage can increase a business's opportunity for success.
As we recover from a turbulent 2009, most businesses -new or not -- don't have a dollar to waste.

Here are the top 6 reasons why SBA recommends that your business include signs to your marketing program.

  1. Signs are an effective, yet inexpensive, form of advertising for the small business.
  2. A sign is your introduction and handshake with those passing by, identifying your business to existing and potential customers.
  3. Signs are always "on the job" for you, advertising 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  4. People often judge a business by how it looks on the sign.
  5. Many merchants increase their business measurably just by adding a good sign. Conversely, many have gone out of business because they simply were not identified well, so not enough potential customers knew of their existence.
  6. We live in a mobile society. According to the United States Census Bureau, 18% of households relocate each year. As your customers move, you need to replace them by attracting new customers.

So whether you are a new business interested in letting your community know that you are now Open
For Business or an established business interested in increasing your business profile, Signarama - Murrieta can help.

Contact us today and we can review the different types of signage to determine which type best fits your needs and budget.

(Source: United States Small Business Administration Bulletin Number 101)

Signs Are Effective | Signarama Murrieta

Your sign is an integral part of your advertising program along with the other forms of commercial communication such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and billboards. There are four basic criteria used to judge the effectiveness of these advertising media: (1) coverage of the trade area, (2) repetition of a message, (3) readership of a message, and (4) cost per thousand exposures of a message. Two other criteria important for the small business owner are (5) availability and (6) ease of use. Let's see how signs measure up to the above criteria.

1. Signs are oriented to your trade area. Signs do not waste your resources by requiring you to pay for wasted advertising coverage. The people who see your sign are the people who live in your trade area.

2. Signs are always on the job repeating your message to potential customers. Your on-premise sign communicates to potential customers twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, week after week, month after month, year after year. Every time people pass your business establishment they see your sign. The mere repetition of the message will help them remember your business.

3. Nearly everyone reads signs. Signs are practical to use for nearly everyone is used to looking at signs and using signs, even small children. Studies have shown that people do read and remember what is on signs. When special items are displayed, sales increase for these particular items within the store.

4. Signs are inexpensive. When compared to the cost of advertising in some other media, the on-premise sign is very inexpensive. Table 1 indicates the cost-per-thousand-exposures for various media in a given type of community. Unless your trade area encompasses an entire city or region where you must rely upon broad based media coverage, there is no better advertising dollar value than your on-premise sign.

5. Signs are available to each and every shop owner. There is no need to schedule the use of your sign. Your sign is available to you whenever you need it and to be used however you please.

6. Signs are easy to use. No special skills or resources are needed to operate a sign once it has been installed. If it is an illuminated sign, all you need to do is flip the switch and that may not be necessary with timing equipment. Once the initial expenditures are made no special resources or professional services are needed. You need only operate and maintain your sign.

The Perfect Location for your Banner | Signarama-Murrieta

If you have decided to purchase a banner, it is very important to place your new banner is a position that will do your company the most good. By selecting the proper location, you can ensure that your new purchase will perform up to expectations and that it will be able to function to the utmost.
The old slogan, “Location, location, location,” applies to much more than real estate. When you are placing a banner, this is the most important factor. Here are some useful tips to help you find the best location for your banner.

Make it Visible
Placing a banner on the side of your building or under an overhang can greatly reduce the ability of potential customers to see this banner. You will need to make sure that your banner is located where it can be easily seen from the majority of directions and angles.

Try it Out
Before you finalize your banner's position, try hanging it in several different angles. Then, place yourself in your customer's position. Is it visible from the road, sitting in a car? Can it be easily seen from across the street in multiple directions? You will need to find the one location that provides the most visibility. Take some time with this step to make sure that your final location is the right location.

Remember the Elements
Weather can be detrimental to your new banner. If it is not secure properly, your banner may flap in the wind, making it unintelligible to passing pedestrians and vehicles. Make sure that your banner is located somewhere where there is at least some protection from the elements. If this is impossible, make sure that the banner is well secured and that it will not flap in the wind, obscuring the text.

Get Feedback.
Try to find a few impartial friends to test-drive your banner. Ask them to walk and/or drive by your location and get their input on what they think of the banner. Ideally, do not reveal what your banner says to these test-drivers. It is important to make sure that they are able to read the banner as they pass-by.

You know what the banner says and your brain may automatically fill in places that may not be completely visible. By conducting this test, you can make sure that everyone will be able to read your banner, regardless of whether they are walking or driving by.
Don't Be Afraid to Change.
If your banner is not performing up to expectation, a move may be in order. Try a few different locations at first, to see which one provides the desired effect. Once you have narrowed down your options, you will be able to select the best location for your banner, based on actual customer reaction. This step should be carefully documented to provide you with the most useful data.

By following these steps, you will be able to get the most out of your banner, both in actual life of the banner and effectiveness in getting your message across.

Which Sign Is Right For My Business? | Signarama Murrieta

By Andrew Stratton

Attracting new customers to your business is easy with a well-designed sign. Choosing the right signs for your business is the key to creating new clients and --- keeping your company on the map.
Advertising is the key to attracting new customers and maintaining a steady stream of regulars. And nothing is more important than first impressions, so it is imperative that you choose the proper signage for your storefront or business.

Attracting new customers to your business is easy when you have a well-designed sign. It may seem like a relatively simple decision to make, but choosing the wrong signs can potentially lose you valuable business. Here are a number of factors to consider when picking out your signage.

1. What does your business need?
What kind of business you are running is one of the biggest deciding factors in which signs will be most the suitable. If your clientèle will be comprised of referrals, something straightforward and simple will do the trick. However, if you're reaching out to foot traffic, you'll want eye-catching, easily legible designs and scripts.

2. Where is your business?
The location of your business will determine the size of the script, colors, and amount of signs necessary to capture people's attention. If you're competing with much nearby signage or many street lanes, you'll need bigger letters, bolder colors, and you may even need to extend the sign above the business itself. Is there a large tree obstructing the view of your business? You'll want to think about the angle at which drivers passing by are able to easily view your signage. Examine the property carefully in order to determine where the clearest view will be and how to maximize the space.

3. Do you need neon?
Neon signs can be your main sign, such is often the case with bars or pool halls; however, many other businesses find that one or two neon signs can help attract attention and send clear messages. The most common are "open", "exit", and "enter". These are especially useful for businesses that operate later hours as the neon is easily visible and eye-catching even in the dark. Neon is a great way to add some color and attraction to your storefront. More artistic signs such as picture logos can also be successfully created from neon.

4. What does the sign need to convey?
Business names do not always reflect the products or services being offered, so your sign needs to give the proper impression to clients. If your business' name is "Pete's", who is going to know what you're selling? Add additional information when necessary. Descriptive phrases such as "pet store" or "family dentist" can clarify your business.

5. What type of material?
One of the most popular types of material for signs is high density urethane. They have a similar look to carved wooden signs, but weather much better and are more versatile as they can be sanded, machined, or carved. Wood carved signs are a cheaper alternative and have an old time feel which can suit some businesses quite well. And as mentioned previously, neon works well for certain types of businesses as well as a striking additional sign to attract attention.

Attracting new customers to your business is easy with a well-designed sign. Signarama - Murrieta offers custom-made signs with quick access and capable installers to get your sign up quickly.

Five Ways To Boost Business Traffic With Banners | Signarama Murrieta

By Matthew Stewart

Let's face it, banners work. For the money, they are probably one of the most effective tools in your marketing toolbox. If made right, they last for years. If designed right, they capture attention. And if used strategically, they will make you money! Quite simply, a banner campaign should be one of the first things you do to boost business traffic. If you are not currently using banners, YOU SHOULD! Below are 5 great ideas on how to make Vinyl Banner Advertising work for you.

1. CHANGE: Change is good. Your prospective customers likely live or work within 5-10 miles from your business. They probably drive by your location several times per week. LOOK BUSY! Implement a 12 MONTH banner campaign and change your vinyl banner out at least once each month. Make each banner pertain to the season. For example, if your business is a Storage Unit, display a HEATED UNITS banner in the coldest month of the year. You will be perceived as busy and current and on top of your game. Start thinking of at least 1 banner for each month of the year!

2. SPECIALS / PROMOS: I know this sounds way too obvious but you would be surprised at how many people who run a business just assume that customers already KNOW their specials. THEY DON'T - you HAVE to tell them! Relate your specials to Holidays. FREE GIFT for new customers. FREE PUMPKIN for Halloween. What is your special deal? Tell your customers with a BANNER!

3. DIFFERENTIATE: Not all businesses are created equally. And yes, you do have competition who is trying to get your money. What makes your location / facility / space / building / service /  product different from the competition? Maybe you offer a money back guarantee. Again, you have to TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS these things. Do it with a banner.

4. HUMOR: Some of the most successful advertising messages of all time have been based on humor. Get creative. Think of something funny or off the wall. Even better - make it topical - relate it to something currently in the news. You can make these banners a part of your 12 month Banner Campaign.

5. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Involve your business in the community. Volunteer your business as a drop-site for local disaster relief, Food or possibly Toys for Tots. Not only will you get picked up in some FREE PRESS in local radio/TV/newspapers but you'll now have new prospective clients coming to your business who may not have normally walked through the door. Use a custom vinyl banner to MARK your SITE. The public loves this!!! On your way home from work today just count how many vinyl banners you see. I'm sure it will surprise you. Why do you see so many?

Custom vinyl banners are inexpensive, effective, and durable marketing pieces that should be in your advertising tool kit. Make it your goal to purchase 1 new banner every month. It will be the best investment you've made in a long time.

Celebrate Team's Success and Boost Business | Signarama Murrieta

By Brenda Bence

When your team experiences a success, what do you do? Do you ignore these wins, automatically working toward the next goal without an acknowledgement of what has been achieved? Do you share a quick "congratulations" or "good job" and then head back into your office?

So, if you gloss over your team's successes without recognition, what does that say about you as a leader? How do you think employees perceive, think, and feel about a leader when their efforts go unappreciated? Those perceptions also reflect on the company as a whole, and that kind of downward spiral can mean loss of some of your best team members.

As a leader, it's your job to keep your team motivated toward their personal growth as well as toward the common goal of growing and building the company. Celebrating wins is a great way to do both and has the great side effect of boosting your own leadership personal brand at the same time.
Here are the Top 10 reasons why celebrating wins is important for you, your team, your company, and for building up your own leadership personal brand.

Celebrating wins...
1. ...forces you and your team to concentrate on the positive rather than the negative. Even if your company has taken some hits in the down economy, there are still wins you can celebrate. Give your team a boost by celebrating and reminding them that good things are still happening for the company.

2. ... builds momentum for you and your team. When a success is celebrated, everyone is reminded that their ability to reach one specific goal indicates just how close they are to achieving even greater goals.

3. ... gets you away from mundane day-to-day tasks. No matter how briefly, changing your team's mindset from "work" to "celebration" gives both you and your team renewed positive energy on the job.

4. ... allows you to connect with colleagues and coworkers in a way that is not just work related. It helps you build a more personal connection with your team - another great way to boost your leadership personal brand.

5. ... allows you to reward specific employees. When you're clear about what went well - naming names, dates, great ideas, and the deadlines that were met or exceeded, you not only legitimize the celebration, but you reinforce the kinds of behaviors that the company values. This shows your team exactly how they can earn similar celebrations in the future.

6. ...reminds you of the goal you set and why you set it in the first place. It's easy to forget why a goal was important, but forgetting that removes all meaning from the task. When people remember why the work they do helps grow the business, they're inspired to do more.

7. ...reminds you that a good, focused goal-setting process works. You set the goal, create strategies to achieve it and reach the outcomes you want. This not only delivers good results, but it inspires your team to set goals in all areas of their work as well.

8. ... motivates your team to continue delivering good work. Employees who feel appreciated and know their efforts have been noticed become even more productive with the next round of projects.

9. ... unifies the team around a positive outcome. If there are members of your team who are struggling to get along, reminding them that they have achieved a common goal helps bring them together.

10. ... reminds the team that they work for a winning organization. People want to work for winners. So, one of the greatest morale-builders that a leader can offer employees is the knowledge that they work for a successful company, even if -- and especially if -- there are other areas where the company might be struggling.

Source: Brenda Bence is an internationally recognized branding expert, certified executive coach, professional speaker, and award-winning author of the How YOU™ Are Like Shampoo personal branding book series. As president of Brand Development Associates (BDA) International, Ltd. she helps individuals and companies become successful through corporate and personal brand development.

Thinking Green? If you’re not yet, you will be soon enough! | Signarama Murrieta

More and more facility and organization managers are expected to take ‘green’ solutions into consideration when they look at their expenses and investments. Oftentimes the green solution feels like a compromise -- like driving a Prius when you really want to drive a Tahoe!

In the signage industry there’s the lucky circumstance that “green” is often synonymous with “effective” and “cutting edge”! In our industry we see newer and better products all the time that offer cost effective, environmentally responsible innovations… hand in hand with increasingly powerful communications. Even some ‘tried and true’ signage products are coming back around as stand outs in the green revolution.

For facility and school directors, it’s the best of both worlds! Let’s review some of the ‘old’ and some of the ‘new’ products in the signage industry that are energy-saving, recyclable or reusable!

Old-Fashioned Banner!
With some planning and savvy design, and with the added investment of a banner display system, a school can maximize its investment and save the environment at the same time.

Next time you need a banner, ask yourself if it is possible to reuse the message multiple times – maybe a recurring event? If so, why not have your annual event banner printed – sans a date – and either add vinyl lettering that is removable for the date, or even create a double-banner display so that the only banner that is thrown away is the date banner?

A banner display system, often made from durable, weather proof aluminum components, will let you create a reusable, durable display that is easy to use and helps your banners last longer by displaying them properly. Some schools are resourceful enough to go DIY and buy some pvc pipe to make a freestanding banner display.

By storing and reusing your banners for annual events and by displaying them efficiently and effectively, you’ve just made the old-fashioned banner the new Green Solution!

Biodegradable Banners
So let’s say you have a one-time event to announce – maybe a student who has won a championship chess match -- and you want to share your good news. So what’s the solution? A biodegradable banner is the solution! Yes, there are some manufacturers who have figured out how to make a banner that will degrade and fail after several months – you may still end up putting it in a dumpster, but you can rest assured it will eventually disappear!

Yard Signs-Guerrilla Warfare in Messaging!
One of the most effective forms of advertising that still survives despite the march of time and technology is the lowly yard sign!

The standard metal frame – like those you see real estate agents use – is an amazingly flexible, useful display for sharing messages or announcements. Why do they work so well for real estate agents and politicians? The secret is a good design, but also it is the temporary nature of the message. First it is there, and then it is gone. It pops up where you might not expect it and can disappear just as easily.

That’s one of the greatest secrets of good signage – changing messages is what keeps it fresh and keeps the human eye drawn to it. Many businesses make the mistake of leaving a sign unchanged for years or even decades. What they don’t’ realize is the typical sign in these circumstances simply becomes part of the background and isn’t noticed by the passersby.

When you shop for a frame, look for a ‘slide-in’ frame that requires no hardware or tools – just lift old the old message and drop in a new one! You can even incorporate a dry erase vinyl or wet erase chalk board to give you an added element of flexibility.

Don’t forget to use the smaller “riders” on top and bottom for an added message like a date or phone number!

Again, design your inserts smartly, have the inserts made from something durable, and you will have a signage display  that can serve and expand to your needs for years to come.

A sandwich board or a-frame can operate from the same principle – provide a place for a changing message where panels can be made, kept and reused.

Maybe you’re looking for a permanent way to mark a facility or building -- something that will be easy to read and will be a solid, long-term investment in the property. Of course, plastic dimensional letters are durable enough for multidecade use—some are warranted for life!

But let’s face it – plastic 24” letters are not exactly “green” and maybe dumping them into a landfill some day is not your goal.

So what is the green solution for dimensional letters? Aluminum! Although aluminum is expensive to make and manufacturing requires processes that are hard on the environment, the good news is that it can be readily melted down and used again for a new purpose! So you can rest your conscience easy and order some aluminum letters – cast or flat cut – to mark your new facility or recognize your donor.

ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTERS – The Ultimate in Power and Efficiency
You may not know them by name, but you know one when you see one! These are the tv-screen like signs you may see in your community where a scrolling message changes, flips, flashes or bursts upon the face, brighter than any sign you’ve ever seen. Some even allow for full color video imaging – brighter, bolder and more eye-catching than anything we’ve seen since neon.

Love it or hate it, Light Emitting Diodes (LED) EMC’s as they are called, are actually energy-saving, allowing their owners to realize sometimes huge returns on the investment.

First of all, they are impossible to resist. The human eye and brain were designed to look for something bright and colorful that moves quickly – and EMC’s do just that! Even the Small Business Administration demonstrated in research the power of these signs to increase a business’s walk in business by 5 to 40% almost instantaneously. In addition, the EMC can be arranged to make changes and updates effortless. Messages can be sent via wireless signal by office staff and ongoing messages can be scheduled by the hour, day, week, month or year. No more standing in windy or rainy weather changing those letter boards on your sign to let folks know the date of the football game. Instead, a few deft clicks of the keyboard and – voila! – your message is up within seconds.

There’s the added feature of providing messaging, if needed, in the event of an emergency at your school. The system can be devised to allow remote updates to your signs via the internet from anywhere you get an internet signal.

Imagine multiple sites for EMC’s at your facility, all with coordinated messaging so that students and parents alike to receive accurate, up to date, irresistibly displayed 24 hours a days from your campus.

Finding the green solution doesn’t have to be burdensome, difficult or more costly in the arena of signage. Use some ingenuity, new technologies and good management and you can promote your school, business or event and save money and save the environment – all at the same time!

Five Good Habits | Signarama Murrieta

By Tracey C. Velt

Are you still following your New Year's resolutions? If not, spring is a great time to let go of bad habits and start fresh.

1. Exercise.
Feeling stressed? When nothing seems to be going right, try to squeeze in a workout, suggests sales coach John D. Mayfield, of Farmington, Mo. Going for a walk, run, bike ride, swim, or other exercise is an excellent way to feel better. Exercise can improve your mood because it releases endorphins in your brain, a hormone that can even trigger feelings of euphoria, he says. Physical exertion can add a wide variety of benefits to your life and is excellent for relieving stress. Of course, be sure to consult your physician before starting any major new exercise program.

2. Read and study more.
Become better educated on market conditions and trends locally, regionally, and nationally. Unfortunately, too few of us study, analyze, and use the wealth of information that is easily available to us, says sales coach Dirk Zeller.

3. Eat your big fish first.
When faced with a mounting obstacle, don’t blow it off until later, Mayfield says. Confront it first thing that day. You might be tempted to put off the problem and tackle the easier, smaller stuff first. But this usually winds up prolonging and intensifying the stressful situation.

4. Use checklists.
When you take on a listing, do you have a checklist that you follow as you work with your client? If not, try creating such a system so that you can put your business on autopilot, Mayfield says. Rather than trying to perform your marketing functions from memory, even if you’ve been in the business for years, institute a formal plan of action items you normally complete for each listing; it will help you streamline your day and make you more productive. Also, delegating tasks will be easier than ever, Mayfield says.

5. Ask for feedback.
Make a habit of surveying past customers about their experience with you, Mayfield says. Surveys can fuel ideas for new service offerings and help you fix problems you didn’t even know existed.
You can use a Web-based survey provider such as Constant Contact, Survey Monkey or send it via mail along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Consider some type of small incentive for completing it promptly. When you discover that customers have a gripe, look at it as an opportunity to follow up and remedy the situation before they tell others about their bad experience.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wild Pepper Sportswear and Signarama-Murrieta

We recently had the opportunity to print posters and banners that were used in the successful launch of a new line of women’s sport clothing by Wild Pepper. Consider Signarama-Murrieta when you need high-end prints produced to make your product look it’s very best.