Monday, March 31, 2014

Five Ways To Boost Business Traffic With Banners | Signarama Murrieta

By Matthew Stewart

Let's face it, banners work. For the money, they are probably one of the most effective tools in your marketing toolbox. If made right, they last for years. If designed right, they capture attention. And if used strategically, they will make you money! Quite simply, a banner campaign should be one of the first things you do to boost business traffic. If you are not currently using banners, YOU SHOULD! Below are 5 great ideas on how to make Vinyl Banner Advertising work for you.

1. CHANGE: Change is good. Your prospective customers likely live or work within 5-10 miles from your business. They probably drive by your location several times per week. LOOK BUSY! Implement a 12 MONTH banner campaign and change your vinyl banner out at least once each month. Make each banner pertain to the season. For example, if your business is a Storage Unit, display a HEATED UNITS banner in the coldest month of the year. You will be perceived as busy and current and on top of your game. Start thinking of at least 1 banner for each month of the year!

2. SPECIALS / PROMOS: I know this sounds way too obvious but you would be surprised at how many people who run a business just assume that customers already KNOW their specials. THEY DON'T - you HAVE to tell them! Relate your specials to Holidays. FREE GIFT for new customers. FREE PUMPKIN for Halloween. What is your special deal? Tell your customers with a BANNER!

3. DIFFERENTIATE: Not all businesses are created equally. And yes, you do have competition who is trying to get your money. What makes your location / facility / space / building / service /  product different from the competition? Maybe you offer a money back guarantee. Again, you have to TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS these things. Do it with a banner.

4. HUMOR: Some of the most successful advertising messages of all time have been based on humor. Get creative. Think of something funny or off the wall. Even better - make it topical - relate it to something currently in the news. You can make these banners a part of your 12 month Banner Campaign.

5. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Involve your business in the community. Volunteer your business as a drop-site for local disaster relief, Food or possibly Toys for Tots. Not only will you get picked up in some FREE PRESS in local radio/TV/newspapers but you'll now have new prospective clients coming to your business who may not have normally walked through the door. Use a custom vinyl banner to MARK your SITE. The public loves this!!! On your way home from work today just count how many vinyl banners you see. I'm sure it will surprise you. Why do you see so many?

Custom vinyl banners are inexpensive, effective, and durable marketing pieces that should be in your advertising tool kit. Make it your goal to purchase 1 new banner every month. It will be the best investment you've made in a long time.

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